About the team


I am the project's developer and artist. NODES was conceptualized from my graduate research and brought to life one wild day on an airplane while on the way to visit my family. I have a passion for technology, particularly massive-scale systems which I also wrangle professionally irl during the day as a senior back-end dev for a large tech company. In the past I have build projects for a variety of uses, but never had a chance to dabble in the crypto space. My partner in this project HOOX, got me interested in NFTs and I fully took the deep dive after deciding to launch our own project.

I am exremely excited to share our project with you and hope that through this project we can build a reputation and demostrate some innovative concepts/technologies that may be novel in the NFT space. Further I am hoping that we can use this project as an outlet to teach more about the merits of on-chain development and generative art.


I am the project's community manager and NFT analyst. If you are asking “what is an NFT analyst?” This is a fancy term for, “I have been in the space a long-ish time and know how to navigate it pretty well.” Im 30 years old, I am from, and currently living in the NYC greater area. I like long walks on the beach, sunsets…….. but seriously. Before my entrance into the NFT space, I worked in finance. Finance moved to DeFi, which transitioned into NFTs. I have been investing for close to 10 years now, and have been involved in crypto and NFTs since 2018. I began to dig my heels deep into the space with the recent boom of NFTs in July - August of 2021. I have known my partner in this project, MS-DDOS, for just over 10 years.